
QStar - Quarterly On-site Service for Continued Safety

Rel-Tek's Premier on-site service program for your EZ-Trol/DX® Gas Monitoring System

You have invested in an excellent gas monitoring system (GMS), and it deserves to be properly maintained. Our 'Q-Star' service program provides continuing factory support.

Quarterly visits are made to your plant by one of Rel-Tek's service specialists to help keep your GMS reliable -- ready to alarm and react on hazardous gas releases and explosive or toxic conditions. Visit dates are coordinated in advance for your convenience.

'Q-Star' on-site service includes special maintenance and testing of all aspects of your GMS. Hands-on participation by your own personnel and up-close re-training conveys a level of understanding necessary for safer, day to day operations.

A free software upgrade is installed with each Q-Star annual program anniversary, thus avoiding obsolescence of your computer programs. Gas sensors and alarms are tested. Telemetry communications is checked. Door/fan/heater/etc. controls are exercised. A shunt breaker trip event is simulated. Any repairs are expedited, often handled during the visit. Necessary replacement components, parts and supplies are provided at our normal catalog pricing. System changes and enhancements are recommended, when advisable.

The Millennia-DX computer software and operating system are reviewed. Files are organized and backed up. Password security is verified with management. The dial in phone line interface is tested. The ventilation fan is checked and the dust filter changed. The UPS functions are tested.

Annual 'Q-Star' brings you other important benefits, including unlimited free phone line consultation with our technical staff and free participation at our factory training facility. In recognition of your commitment to safety, all orders and repairs for your firm will be expedited and shipped by priority delivery at our expense; and factory exchange is available.

Contact Rel-Tek without further delay to arrange a 'Q-Star' program for your GMS.

Safety is no accident! Safety is no accident

'Q-Star' is a Rel-Tek trademark. Rel-Tek's Terms and Conditions of Sale, Warranty and Software License apply, copies available on request.

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